Friday, 2 December 2011

[HM:248813] Kandenchi Battery Mouse Is Hardly A PC Mouse

Kandenchi Battery Mouse Is Hardly A PC Mouse

Kandenchi Battery Mouse Is Hardly A PC Mouse

Awkward looking, but Japanese consumers just love their gadgetry. The more deviant it is from the usual run of tech products, the more appealing to them. From the same people responsible for endless silly USBs and other electronic peripherals comes the Kandenchi, a rotund contraption that works like a PC mouse. We have to admit that it's a fascinating piece of hardware.

Kandenchi mouse

Looks a bit uncomfortable but it does follow the natural way you hand rests when on a table. It might be compact, but then again thanks to the availability of different computer mice and countless touchscreens, a gadget like the Kandenchi is too 1990s for our tastes. Well, at least it's wireless so you can use it instead of that teeny touchpad on your netbook or as a replacement for your media center's wonky wireless mouse.

Still, the novelty appeal of a mouse like the Kandenchi will work its magic on those most susceptible to anything that goes click.  The Kendenchi is not out yet (due October) but the available info suggests a $65 retail price.

Here's the product page for the curious.

*M Junaid Tahir


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