Prayer to the Guru:-
Indian traditions stress greatly on the importance of the guru or the teacher, especially in the realm of spirituality.
Adi guru Shankaracharia begins his Gurustotram or Verses to the Guru with the following Sanskrit Sloka.
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshath Parambrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha
In our land the teacher who imparts training is held in very high esteem. As the above saying describes, the teacher is considered as the 'Trimurti'- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - all rolled into one.
In Simadbhagavad Gita, Sri krishna Bhagavan emphasis the need
of seeking a Guru-
tad viddhi pranipatena
pariprasnena sevaya
upadeksyanti te jnanam
jnaninas tattva darsinah
(B.g. 4.34)
Kabir Das, a poet in 15th century India, wrote in one of his Dohas (couplets in Hindi),
"Guru Govind dou khade, kaake laagoon paye
Balihari guru aapki, Govind diyo milaye."
A famous poem by Kabir illustrating the meaning of this copulet goes like " I face both god and guru. Whom should I bow to first? I first bow to my guru because he's the one who showed me the path to God.
An old Indian saying puts teacher in third place, before God, in the order-''Maata, Pitha, Guru, Daivam''. Mother show's father and father show's "GURU". The Guru is united with the GOD. It is a universal truth that "Teaching is a NOBLE PROFFESSION". For the dawn of each poet, each philosopher and king Begins with a Teacher and the wisdom they bring. I believe, that teachers are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.
The Importance of the guru cannot be express in simple words. The importance of a Guru in one's life is noted in our scriptures too where Maharishi Vashishta and Maharishi Sandipani played the important role of a Guru in the lives of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, respectively. Further again, Lord Krishna despite being Arjuna's cousin and friend, enacted as his Guru as He recited to him the 'Bhagavad Geeta'.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a Man how to fish and you feed him for a life time. That's exactly what a teacher has done for us .Teachers are one of the greatest people whom you can across in your life. They are not only the selfless givers but also the mentors of your life. At every step of your life, you come cross teachers who devote their entire life in the enlightenment of students like you. For sure, teachers' definition can't be limited to a subject teacher because anyone who guides you in your life is a teacher. A teacher could also be your mother, your father, brother, sister or anyone who has offered you a lesson in life.Friends, knowledge of good things and all the good virtues can only be imparted by a teacher, a guru, and not by any book available in the market. It is very true that teacher help's us to understand our subject but there is one very important thing that none of us should forget, that teachers not only make us literate but also educated. Literal knowledge can be gained from any book, but we always need teachers to gain education. Teachers are the one who facilitate learning of lessons of life, morals, differentiate between good and bad.
Teachers have an influencing role in the life of every student. They are like beacons of light, guiding us in the formative years of our life. Teachers mould us and shape our future. What we learn from our teachers remains with us, throughout our life. However, very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their altruistic devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their efforts are being recognized. To serve the purpose, Teacher's Day is celebrated throughout India. By celebrating Teacher's Day, we thank our teachers for providing us their invaluable guidance.
I love and admire my teachers because I taught by their talents, Equipped by their efficiency, Assisted by their advice, Cared by their concern, Helped by their humility, Encouraged by their efforts, and Raised by their reasoning.
Today is teacher's day the day which makes us realize that whatever we are today is all because of our teachers. If we get a chance to meet our old teachers then it is something so special feelings and experience. Today we are like this because of our teachers. So say a small wish and prayer for them. On this teacher's day, and always I thank my teachers, without them I am nothing that includes my loving Mother and my loving father who guided me as parents.
Today, I would like to thank all the teachers. Thank you all (Especially my Beena chechi as she is my first teacher, and school teachers Amelia, Jayachandra sir, sairabhanu teacher, Ramani teacher Jagi sangam and Lakshmi Madam, all of whom I miss so much today.
Coonoor Nilgris
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