Tuesday 22 November 2011

[HM:248520] Using Boiling Water to Recharge a Mobile Phone

i didnt like the idea, but still useful for specific circumstances :)

Using Boiling Water to Recharge a Mobile Phone

By: Suzzie Christodulu | 20th Jun 2011

­A Japanese company has developed a phone charger that can be dropped into a pan of boiling water and that converts the heat from the water into electricity to top-up a mobile phone, or other small consumer device.

The new gadget from TES NewEnergy is initially being supplied as a cooking pan with a built in USB socket.

Aimed at developing countries, but inspired by the recent Japanese tsusami, the pan is designed to be used over a normal wood burning fire. The developers noted that a wood campfire temperature can reach over 900°F, considerably higher than is needed to boil water - so a lot of energy is wasted in the atmosphere or lost in heating the pan.

The gadget they developed converts some of that waste heat into direct electrical current. The say the device can recharge the average mobile phone in 3 to 5 hours.

On the web: TES NewEnergy




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