Monday, 9 April 2012

[HM:252510] For Freshers: What is PMP Certificate

Carrie Thomas received a B.B.A. in marketing from St. Edward's University. Her professional experience is focused in marketing coordination. She has been writing for approximately two years in various capacities. Her published work resides with Demand Studios.

A Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate recognizes an individual's ability to lead and direct projects. With a PMP certification it is understood that an individual will be knowledgeable in industry jargon, competent in the processes of project management, and up to date in industry guidelines, processes and general news. A PMP certification is a globally-recognized credential.

  1. Eligibility Requirements

    • To obtain a PMP certificate you must have either a high school diploma, five years of project management experience and 35 hours of project management education or a bachelor's degree or equivalent, three years of project management experience and 35 hours of project management education.

    Project Management Education

    • The 35 hours of project management education must be obtained through an approved education provider listed on the Project Management Institute's web page.

    • Once eligible, you must fill out an application through the Project Management Institute, take a multiple choice exam, pay a fee (around $500 American) and keep up with credential maintenance every few years.

    Application Process Timeframe

    • For a PMP certification, it takes most people to complete the application in entirety takes around eight hours. If you mail your application, the process will take a little longer compared to the online application. If applying online, there is an application check list which you can follow in the PMP certification handbook.

    Project Management Institute Membership

    • You can also become a member of the Project Management Institute. This membership does not require that you are PMP certified, but offers newsletters, networking, volunteer opportunities, seminars and project management related educational materials. Obtaining a PMI membership is a way to further educate and become involved in the project management environment. Yearly membership fees are under $200

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