Monday, 4 June 2012

[HM:253612] Radio dental


Radio dental: New MP3 'teeth jewellery' plays music directly through your skull


They are the gaudy fashion statement beloved of hip hop stars and rappers.

But now it seems that grillz - teeth jewellery sported by rappers such as Nelly -  are not just about the way you look - you can use them to listen to music too.

A design student has created a way of using the bling mouthpiece to hear songs via 'bone conduction' through your skull.

Aisen Chacin, of Parsons The New School for Design in New York, attached a vibrating motor to a digital music player and connected it to a mold of her upper teeth.

She also installed controls on the underside so users can change songs or increase the volume by pushing up with your tongue.

When the music starts, the vibration is strong enough that the music can be heard clearly - without the need for headphones.

If the sound being played is loud enough, others can even hear it apparently coming out of your teeth.

A video posted on YouTube shows one of Chacin's friends sitting down with the motor in his mouth and his hands in his ears - and a look of surprise on his face when he hears the music.

Grillz were made popular by the song by rapper Nelly even though dentists have made dire warnings against them.

They say bling materials like gold or diamonds can wear down the enamel on your teeth and that grillz should not be worn.

Chacin unveiled her device, called 'Play-A-Grill', at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference last week.

She said: 'Grills are almost always made of precious metal, most notably gold or platinum. They are completely removable, and almost used as a retainer.

'This piece of jewelry presents a perfect opportunity to merge an arbitrary music fashion object and reintroduce it as the music player itself. Because the grill is worn over the teeth, sound can be transmitted using bone conduction     hearing instead of outside speakers or headphones.




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