Sunday, 2 October 2011

[HM:246788] Tips on taking insulin shot!!!



Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Mix the insulin in the ampoule gently by rotating the bottle between your palms or by inverting it slowly from end to end.


Take off the cap and clean the top with sterilised cotton/gauze swab soaked in spirit.


Remove the cover from the needle and pull the plunger back till the marking corresponding to your insulin dose. The syringe should be filled with air and NOT the insulin at this time.


Push the needle into the insulin bottle and release the air inside without taking in any of the insulin.


If any extra amount of insulin is sucked in, carefully discard the extra amount outside the bottle. Do NOT inject the insulin back into the bottle.


Choose the site for the shot carefully. The sites can be discussed with the doctor beforehand.


Clean the skin at the site of injection with an alcohol swab. Pinch up an area of the skin and insert the needle at a right angle fully into the skin.


Release the plunger and push it all the way down to inject the insulin into your body. Release the pinched skin.


Pull the needle out and pat the area with the swab. Do not rub the site of injection. Dispose off the needle after use.

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Coonoor Nilgris


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