Wednesday, 18 January 2012

[HM:250467] Change


Lift this Heavy Burden

"You cannot change anyone but yourself."

When people don't live up to your expectations, it's not unusual to feel responsible for changing their behavior, especially if they are close to you. You may try and try – but when you don't succeed, you end up feeling depressed and like a failure.

Changing another person can be a frustrating, impossible goal. Realize that people only change when they want to. Changing someone else is not your job!

When you put yourself in the position of controlling the uncontrollable you place a heavy burden on yourself. Not only do you feel weighted down, but you use up tremendous amounts of energy in this pursuit.

Instead, channel your focus toward things that you can control, such as yourself. It's a much more peaceful and productive way to live.

Feel the appreciation, happiness, and gratefulness for all that surrounds you and all that is within you.

Imagine having the life that you have always wanted. Then feel inside those feelings that you would have if you were already experiencing all that you desire. Combine that with these feelings of gratitude now for what you do have.

Focus on the positive things in your life. Release the negative thoughts, feeling, and actions. Release those feelings, the people and the things that bring you down or affect you negatively in anyway or at least set boundaries for yourself.

Live your life as if you already have the things that you desire. How? By believing and expressing yourself as if you had them or are living your dreams.

Be grateful for all that you have, for the life you have been given, for your family and friends, your job, and your home. Be thankful and give thanks for the abundance and prosperity that blesses you each and every day.

Feel the appreciation, happiness, and gratefulness for all that surrounds you and all that is within you.

Absolutely convinced

The way to get yourself to do anything is to first accept that you must do it. Until you stop fighting against yourself, you'll never get much done.

It is common and natural to avoid difficult, challenging effort. Even so, you can always choose to allow yourself to make the effort.

You absolutely have the ability to do the necessary work and reach whatever goal you set for yourself. To fully unleash that ability, you just have to fully and sincerely buy into the goal.

It is essential that you completely convince yourself of the worthiness and desirability of what you intend to do. Once you are absolutely convinced, you'll be absolutely committed.

The most important person to have on your side is you. Once you are truly convinced and committed, you'll be able to get other people convinced and committed.

When it means everything to you, you'll make the commitment to do whatever it takes. And with that total commitment, you'll get it done.

 by Jane Powell 




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